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A Ministry of ChristianCrafters.Com
"For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them."
Matthew 18:20

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children you teach, if applicable, and the city and state you reside in.
It will be nice to see who is writing from where! :o)

<>< <>< SSTN-Volume 1-Number 65 <>< <><
June 16, 2000
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* Chosen By God
* The Lord's Army
* Sunday School picnic
* Unchurched pre-teens-curriculum?
* Popsicle sticks
* Coed Classes?
* Bible Camp Ideas
* Worship service behavior
* Fathers Day Idea

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Chosen By God:

Hello, just happened to find your site and enjoyed seeing some of the neat ideas posted. I recently am starting to teach a group of 4th & 5th grade Sunday school class and can definitely use the help! :-)
THis month I have to teach on the topic "You Have Been Chosen By God."
Any ideas to go with this topic?
Next Sunday's class has to do with how God uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things.
Any input is received eagerly and thankfully!

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The Lord's Army:

Our VBS this year is on the Lord's Army. Please help with any ideas for decorations, crafts, etc., for all age groups.

May God bless.

North Georgia
(Check the 'Archives List' for the 'Armor of God', directions below.)

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Sunday School picnic:

Does anyone have any ideas for a year end Sunday School picnic at a park
for ages 3-12?

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Unchurched pre-teens-curriculum?

Does anyone have or use a Sunday School Curriculum for grades 5-6 that
would be effective for unchurched pre-teens?

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Popsicle sticks

We made picture frames from popsicle sticks one year for VBS by gluing them together and putting a piece of cardboard on the back. Then we had the kids paint them and put a picture of themselves in to give to their parents at the end of the week.
Linda Lawler
Pittsburgh, PA

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Co-ed classes:

I have been receiving SSTN for a while now and have found it extremely
helpful. My question is one of curiosity. I have noticed of the Sunday
School teachers who write in have either girls or boys but not co-ed classes.
What is the advantage, or disadvantage, of segregating the boys from the

--From ChristianCrafters.Com-GREAT QUESTION! I can't wait to hear everyone else's response! In the meantime...let me weigh in...At my church we separate them from
5-8th grade. My husband and I teach the 5and 6th grade boys. It would be quite difficult to have them together with the girls all the time. If for no other reason than the class would be too large. Not to mention the need to impress the opposite sex and how this can 'get in the way' of learning occasionally ;o) But, we do have them get together throughout the year in SS for special days, ie. a movie, or special craft day. In our midweek class the 5th and 6th graders are co-ed and it works great, probably due to fewer numbers during the week.
Blessings, Sarah Keith <><

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Bible Camp Ideas

I have been a camp counselor many times for girls just those ages. I too, found that rest time goes easier when a small project is put before them. I have had luck with word searches and puzzles like that, as well as making friendship bracelets. I have provided generic embroidery floss (it is cheaper and has a variety of colors) and a safety pin to each girl. I show them a different way to make friendship bracelets each day (I learned how to create them from books in the library:look under macrame). They tie a knot at the end of their strings and stick the safety pin through the knot and then through a shoelace on their shoe. This gives them a way to keep the strings tight all by themselves. I have found that my girls loved making them for each other and themselves. Rest time was never long enough when these bracelets were introduced. I even found them doing then whenever they found a spare moment! Good luck! ~Maggie Corlett from Lawton, Oklahoma

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Thanks to Billie for the suggestion to check out dramaquest.com and christianteens.about.com sites. The skits are short, take just a few people
and minimal props. Thanks so much.
Mickey @ Paran Baptist Church

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Worship service behavior:

Dear Iris,
Hello, how about making sure that the Pastor helps in this process. Sometimes when the Pastor comes to class the kids will learn to respect him first. At our church we have a Jr church program that all the kids from 2nd grade and under go to that is directed by a couple of adults, (like a Sunday school class but with a variety of ages). For the others, we have the Jr Hi and Sr Hi youth directors sorta help out. Understand that for a youth if the service doesn't keep their attention, it is difficult. Think about what the service does for the adults... does it keep them interested all the time too? Maybe it is time to get some of them involved in the service too. I happen to be a youth director and find that they appreciate the service more when they participate too. Hope this helps some.
For HIM,

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Fathers Day Idea

Our Crafty Kids at church will be doing a fun T-shirt for Dad. Each family brings a T-shirt the size of the father then we will provide fabric paint. The kids can sponge on a design or draw one on. We have children ages 4 to 10. The paint washes off skin, but the shirts need time to dry, approximately 24 hours.

God Bless
Danae, Dayton, Ohio

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Invite your friends and coworkers to join us!

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IMPORTANT INFO-PLEASE READ: (Especially for newcomers!)

Many of the free patterns and ideas in the ChristianCrafters.Com site are from the books I've written, or from books that I'm in the process of writing. If you'd like to know more about my Christian education resource books, email me at:

I've recently published and released my Christmas-Advent Christian crafting book entitled, CHRISMON SNOWFLAKE ORNAMENTS. Check it out by clicking on "Chrismon Snowflake Photos" from my home page. The purchase of this book helps to support the SSTN ministry! Blessings to you, Sarah Keith.

Don't forget about the availability of free Bible Games and Christian crafts @ ChristianCrafters.Com! If you have a Bible game or Christian craft that you've created, email me, Sarah Keith, and share it with the rest of the world!

You can access past SSTN letters:
Go to www.christiancrafters.com and click on Sunday School Teachers,
then scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on 'Archives List'.

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POST MESSAGES CORRECTLY--Two methods are possible:
-1 - E-mail to Sakeith@aol.com regarding your new topic.
-2 - Use your e-mail program’s "REPLY" feature to reply to this letter. PLEASE DELETE ALL residual text information that appears in the message body. If you are replying to a specific message, please LEAVE A FEW LINES of the message to which you refer.

* If at all possible, try to post your questions 1-2 weeks in advance. That way it will appear in the newsletter in a timely manner, and you'll receive your response before you need it.

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Email: Sakeith@aol.com
Type: "Sign me up to SSTN, in the subject line of your email.

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The Sunday School Teacher's Network is brought to you by:
--Copyright 2000 S.A. Keith--
(The opinions expressed in the SSTN e-Newsletter are not necessarily endorsed by ChristianCrafters.Com--SSTN reserves the right to edit and or exclude information from the SSTN e-Newsletter. You can read a short 'bio' regarding Sarah Keith, founder of the SSTN, by clicking on the copyright info at the bottom of the home page of christiancrafters.com)

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