**** A service of ChristianCrafters.Com ****

"For where two or three come together in my name,
there am I with them." -- Jesus

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SSTN # 75 - June 21, 2003

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--> Fruit of the Spirit - Bingo Game

1) Craft for Men's ties?
2) Lighthouse ideas?
3) VBS in a Park?
4) Beatitudes ideas?
5) Trailblazers?

--> July 4th Activity

6) What to do with teaching Supplies   
7) Borrow Son Creek book?
8) Craft for Father's Day
9) Penpals?

--> Chrismon Book...50% OFF!

10) Are We There Yet - Song?
11) Penpals
12) Penpals Email
13) Jesus Feeds 5000?
14) Penpals?

<>< <>< <>< <>< TODAY'S SSTN POSTINGS: <>< <>< <>< <><

--> Fruit of the Spirit - Bingo Game

A fun way for players to learn the Fruit of the Spirit characteristics.
Players score using real fruit candy! FREE SHIPPING!

Learn more here:
(you may need to copy and paste this address to your browser)

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1) Craft for Men's ties?

I am a Church School Coordinator and we have an abundance of mens ties.
Does anyone have a craft idea that we could use them for? Thanks.
Trudy Johnson, Burlington, Ontario, Canada

--from SSTN: make "belts" for the Armor of God game and lessons:
http://christiancrafters.com/page10.html  Also, i remember someone making
"snakes" from ties in a past SSTN - check the archives for that:

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2) Lighthouse ideas?

In about a month, our Sunday School manual calls for adding a lighthouse
to the decor. Does anyone have any creative ideas on how to do this? We
thought about just enlarging it and stapling it on the wall, but I was
wondering if anyone had any better ideas. Thanks in advance!

1st UPC
Ages 5-12

--from SSTN: check the archives too:

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3) VBS in a Park?

I am preparing for a Mission trip to Iowa, and would appreciate any advice
or help.  We will be doing VBS in a park and in a church there.  I will be
teaching the 4 and 5 yr. olds.  My first experience at shipping my
supplies.  I'm really excited and need lots of prayer and also prayer for
the kids that will be coming.
Tammy (Memphis,Tn.)

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4) Beatitudes ideas?

I am looking for ideas to use with my beatitude bible series.  Bulliten
board ideas, puzzles, ect... would be great.

--from SSTN: check out the "WWJS Gospel Catchers":
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5) Trailblazers?

We are doing Trailblazers following our faithful God for VBS this year. We
are a small church and could use any ideas you might have. Please email me
at hamiltom@otelco.net .


--from SSTN: please respond to the network so everyone may benefit from
your knowledge. Thanks! Sarah <><

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--> July 4th Activity

Kids will learn the answers to eight basic USA citizenship questions such
as, "Why did the Pilgrims come to America?"; What is the US Constitution?,
and "What does the First Amendment guarantee?". A great activity for July
4th! Kids can make it and take it home! Print out as many patterns as you
need for a onetime fee of only $3.00.

Find the USA Patriotic Catcher at:
(you may need to copy and paste the address to your browser)

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6) What to do with teaching Supplies

<<  I wondered if you may know of a church that would need some misc teaching resources

Good morning Lynn:
Why not give all the things to your church?  Also another idea is to list
the things individually on e-bay.  I have bought many Sunday School
teaching resources on e-bay such as craft books, bulletin board books,
flash a cards, lithographs, flannel graphs, CD's and tapes, and when I
retire, I am going to donate them all to my church.
God bless,

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7) Borrow Son Creek book?

I taught a class last summer for 4-5 year olds.  I used the Son Creek
materials from Gospel light.  I can't find my book or CD and I was
wondering if anybody knew of anyone who might have either of these things
that I could purchase or borrow.  I would like to find the teacher book
for pre-K and the CD.

Erika Cox

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8) Craft for Father's Day.

Here's an idea  I used with 4-year-olds: I cut necktie shapes out of craft
foam (the kind that comes in sheets the size of felt pieces) in various
colors so the children could choose. I cut a circle out of the bottom of
each one about the size of a 50-cent piece for a picture. Around the top
of the opening I wrote "Father's Day"  with a  fine point permanent
marker, and underneath I wrote the year. (**NOTE: You have to do this
ahead of time, as the marker will smear before it has time to dry
adequately. Once it is good and dry, like a day or 2, it shouldn't smear.)
Ahead of time, I punched about a MILLION (OK...maybe not that many... it
just felt like it!) little foam dots, also in multi colors with a hole
punch, to be glued on the neckties. In Sunday School, I took each child's
picture with a Poloroid camera and cut out the face in a circle slightly
larger than the opening on the necktie. (You need extra for mountine it
onto the foam.) I put dots of glue all over the necktie and the kids chose
their dots and put them on the glue dots. Great fine-motor activity, and
it kept them busy. After they finished gluing them, we taped the picture
on the back along with a cardboard circle to go behind it. If I remember
correctly, I think I used double stick tape or a double sided adhesive
dispenser to the edge of the picture that was cut larger...regular tape
won't stick to the foam. You could also cut a foam circle bigger than the
opening and use the glue that is specially made to glue this foam,
mounting the picture behind the openingand using the foam circle to hold
it in place. I put self-adhesive magnet squares on the back to make it
hangable. This was 3 years ago, and I still have dads tell me that this is
on their file cabinet at work or on their fridge at home. It makes a very
cute gift. Takes a bit of ahead of time prep, but not all that much (you
can punch holes in front of the TV!) and is easy to complete in one SS
session. Hope this helps someone, and Have Fun!!
Leslie (North Carolina)

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9) Penpals?

I would like to respond to the penpals msg.  I would love for our Sunday
School to exchange mail/letters with yours.  We are located in Palatka,
Please return my email with further information.

Roxann Harvey
Children and Family Minister

--from SSTN: see # 11 and 12 in today's SSTN.

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--> Chrismon Book...50% OFF!

Get "Chrismon Snowflake Ornaments" at HALF off the regular price!
This item will not be reduced this low again this year! A great resource
for "Christmas in July" functions, as well as for the 2003 holiday season!

Sale runs from June 7 - June 30, 2003. Follow this link to learn more:
(you may need to copy and paste the address to your browser)

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10) Are We There Yet - Song?

Our church is doing a VBS curriculum entitled "Are we there yet? A journey
from grumble to humble."  The lessons are based on the journey of the
Isrealites in the wilderness.  The first four lessons focus on an occasion
when the Isrealits complained about their conditions and the final lesson
is the crossing of the Jordan River and then into the Promise land.  The
main focus is trusting in God and not complaining ... being content and
peaceful in God's care.

We are looking for an upbeat fun song to sing during our assembly times as
a theme for the entire week. Any ideas?

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11) Penpals

Hi, I am interested in being pen pals with another church. I would be
interested in pen pals for the ages 7-12. If anyone is interested you can
e-mail me.
Barbara Ann
Arlington, Va.

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12) Penpals Email

Hi everyone, Many thanks to all who have replied to my request for pen
pals; sorry I forgot to add my email address, here it is;
Yours in faith, Sam Langton

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13) Jesus Feeds 5000?

I need help with the story of Jesus feeds the 5,000 with 5 loaves and 2
fishes.  We have several age groups of kids from 3 years - 12 years.  Each
teacher teaches one lesson and the children rotate to different teachers.
I will need lessons, crafts, and poster ideas for each age group.  VBS is
only one day this year, so each teacher has one hour to complete the
lesson and the craft, and we will have a 30 minute program at the end of
the day.  Each age group will create their own poster, so the poster
doesn't have to be this story, but it should have fish.  All our lessons
have to do with fish:  Jonah and the whale, Fishers of men, Jesus walks on
the water (I know this is a stretch, but the disciples were fishing when
Jesus walked on the water), and my lesson.  Any ideas for crafts, ways to
make the lesson interesting, posters, or day-end program would be greatly

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14) Pen Pals?

I must have missed the original message about pen-pals, but I am very
interested in getting a pen pal exchange going between my Sunday School
and another one (either in the US or abroad). Please email me if
interested. JHawran@aol.com

--from SSTN: see #11 and 12

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--> Is SSTN helping you?

If you are finding SSTN helpful to your ministry, then please help to
support it. Just one dollar per month will help to pay my expenses.

To help keep SSTN going and to learn more, go to this webpage:

Or, mail your US check or US money order to:

Sarah Keith <><
438 East Ilex Drive
Lake Park, FL 33403

(In the memo section of your check write: "SSTN Subscription".
Please include your email address.)

Your webservant,
Sarah Keith <><

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--Copyright 2002 S.A. Keith--All Rights Reserved. ----
Please read the complete copyright information at ChristianCrafters.Com.
You will find the link at the bottom of the homepage.

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Publication in any medium, commercial or noncommercial, is strictly
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