A Grandparent Thanksgiving

Theme: Being Thankful for Grandparents

Cast: 30 – 100 or more

May vary greatly as roles may be combined or split. We use grades 3 through 7. However any age group could be used.

Roles 1 and 2 would likely, but not necessarily, be from Grade 7.

Set, costumes, sound, lighting: None 

Props: None except guitar and signs for Grade Three

Run-time: 45 minutes +


1 and 2 come on stage

1: Hey 2, whatcha doin’?

2: Hey 1! Last minute preparations for Thanksgiving.

1: Uhhhhhhh, hate to be the one to break this to you but Thanksgiving is like, well, not now, OK?

2: Not now?

1: Not now.

2: Whatever would make you say that?

1, counts on fingers: Let’s see, there’s the weather, my knowledge of when Thanksgiving is supposed to happen, the calendar, shall I continue?

2: So those things tell you that it’s not time for Thanksgiving?

1: I am amazed; you read me like a book don’t you 2?

2: It’s a gift.

1: Proves my main belief in life.

2: Which is?

1: Not all gifts are equal.

2: I guess.

1: Still I feel led to tell you that you are way out on Thanksgiving.

2: Depends which Thanksgiving you are talking about.

1: Am I to assume that in your corner of the world there is more than one Thanksgiving Day?

2: Of course.

1: Uhhhhhh, 2, have you fallen lately, bumped your head, bad fever maybe?

2: Been simply tip-top in health is the fact.

1: Uhhh yeh! Anyhow . . . maybe best run this Thanksgiving Day thingie by someone before you announce it to the world.

2: Someone? Who someone?

1: I would go for someone well established whose name begins with “doctor”.

2: I sense you are skeptical 1.

1: Is there no end to your sensitivity?

2: Well I do work out.

1: It shows. So care to share on just how many Thanksgiving Days there are in your mind.

2: Depends. Three hundred sixty five or three hundred sixty six.

1: The difference being?

2: Leap year.

1: Leap year?

2: You know, the old, “but leap year coming once in four gives February one day more” thingie.

1: So basically what you are saying is every day in the year is Thanksgiving?

2: How does he come up with these?

1: Don’t praise me.

2: You are likely safe. Do you ever have theme day Thanksgiving Days?

1: All the time.

2: Why am I not surprised?

1: This particular one is Grandparent Thanksgiving Day.

2: Let me guess. . . . giving thanks for grandparents. Any particular plans?

1: Strangely enough, yes. We are going to invite grandparents to come. Then all of us are going to do something to honor our grandparents.

2: Seems like a thing not to miss.

1: Then let’s not. It is about to start.

1 and 2 sit at side stage, watch as though part of the audience

Grade Six come on stage, 6-2 carrying a guitar

6-1: Hey 6-2, I didn’t know you could play the guitar.

6-2: Yep, have been taking lessons on the internet.

6-1: On the internet?

6-2: Yep.

6-3: Oh 6-2, is this gonna be another of your disasters? (to everyone) Hey guys, 6-2 is getting ready to mess up again!

6-4: Oh really, what’s it gonna be this time 6-2?

6-5: Likely a repeat of when you decided to build a snow cone machine for assembly.

all actors except 6-2, chatter: Yeh, wasn’t that a sight! You sure did mess up 6-2! Never saw (name of principal) so mad. Why do your ideas always get so creepy 6-2? Give it a rest 6-2! There goes wonder boy again! (etc.)

6-2: So how was I supposed to know that ice contracts when it thaws?

6-6: Thanks to you that is part of our history never to be forgotten.

6-7: Or lived down!

6-8: I told a friend that I go to school at (name of school) and they said, “Oh, Snow Cone Elementary. Embarrassing!

6-9: I always say I am home-schooled.

6-10: It’s all your fault 6-2 (Last Name)!

all actors except 6-2, chatter: What are we supposed to do with you 6-2? You really can do it can’t you 6-2? Just for once please don’t embarrass all of us, OK? (etc.)

6-2: Guys, I have practiced, I can do this thing.

6-1: Yah right! Like anyone’s gonna give you another chance!

6-2: OK, fine! I will prove it to you! Here, listen to this.

6-2 plays “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, very slow, but correctly. Others watch, become impressed as playing goes on.

6-3: All right, 6-2! I gotta hand it to you! You really did well!

all actors except 6-2, chatter: Wow! This is good! 6-2 is some musician! Guess you finally found something you could do right 6-2! (etc.)

6-4: Listen, we have a song to sing, could you play while we sing, 6-2?

6-2: I would like that, let me know when you are ready.

6-1 gets everyone lined up in position and they start to sing “Gather Together”, 6-2 starts to play “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” very slowly as before

all except 6-2: 
We gather together in our home, 
We gather together in our home, 
Mothers and fathers, sisters, and brothers, 
Lots of people . . . . . .

as singing goes on the actors start looking at 6-2, unbelief, shaking heads, pointing at 6-2, snickering. Gradually one by one the singers stop singing until no one is singing.

6-5: Exactly what was that, oh Mister Eddie Van Halen?

6-2: It was guitar playing. And who is Eddie Van Halen?

6:1: A guitar player.

6-3: Something you would know nothing about!

6-2: I don’t understand, you like my guitar playing before!

6-6: But you played Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star!

6-2: Yeh, so?

6-7: So, we weren’t singing Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star!

6-2: And somehow that makes a difference?

all actors except 6-2, chatter: What a guy! Can you believe him? Wackey, wackey! Earth to 6-2! Really! Over the edge or what? (etc.)

6-2: Whaaaaaaattttttttt?

6-8: OK, let’s tackle it this way. Suppose we were gonna sing Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, what would you play on your guitar?

6-2 plays first line of Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star

6-8: Great! Now then, suppose we were gonna sing the National Anthem, what would you play then?

6-2 plays first line of Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, everyone roll eyes, moan, etc.

6-9: 6-2, don’t you see a problem here?

6-2: Well, actually, yes I do see a problem.

6-10: See, now we are getting somewhere! Tell us, 6-2, what do you see that is the problem?

6-2: You guys forgot to sing.

everyone shows frustration

6-1: Look, 6-2, let’s take this slow, OK. We are singing Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star, you play Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star. Got it?

6-2, thinking it through: You are singing Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star, I play Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star. Yep, I got that.

6-1: OK, now we sing Gather Together, you play Gather Together. Got that?

6-2: You sing Gather Together, I play Gather Together. Nope, won’t work.

6-1: I am starting to lose my patience here! Before I do, mind telling me why it won’t work?

6-2: Only music written for guitar is Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star.

6-1: And what would make you think that 6-2?

6-2: That’s all there was on the internet.

6-1, very frustrated: I give up!

6-3: It really would be nice to have a guitar when we sing.

6-4: Can any of you guys play the guitar? (6-2 eagerly raises hand) Anyone other than 6-2?

6:5: Even if we knew of someone, what’s the chances they would be here today?

all look at each other, shake heads, say no, etc.

6-6: I know someone. And actually he is here today.

all actors except 6-2, chatter: Really? Who is it? Go get him? This is great! Who would have thought someone would be here? Good news! (etc.)

6-6: It’s my grandpa, and he’s sitting right there. 

6-6 points at his grandfather, then goes into the crowd, leads his grandfather to the stage, 6-2 hands him the guitar, grandfather plays for the song.


Verse 1

We gather together in our home, we gather together in our home, 
Mothers and fathers, sisters, and brothers, 
Lots of people make up our home.

Verse 2

We gather together in our school, we gather together in our school, 
Boys and girls, grandma and grandpa,
Lots of people in our school.

Verse 3

We gather together here today, we gather together here today,
Young folks and old folks, and teachers too,
Lots of people are here today.


Let’s celebrate (clap, clap, clap) give a smile (clap, clap, clap) celebrate (clap, clap, clap) for awhile (clap, clap, clap) celebrate (clap, clap, clap) here and there! (Clap, clap, clap) It’s so nice to be with people who care! (Clap, clap, clap).

Grade Six leaves stage, 1 and 2 stand and talk as Grade Five comes on stage

1: Wow, it really makes a difference when everyone is on the same song, doesn’t it?

2: More than you could ever imagine. I am just thankful that 6-6’s grandfather was here and able to help.

1: There’s that thankful thing again.

2: Not an accident.

1: I thought as much. See here is another group. Wonder what they will do?

2: Music seems to be the thing.

1: Shhhhhhh, they are saying something.

1 and 2 sit as Grade Five begin, 5-1 is standing quietly, not moving, keeps falling asleep, wakes up, goes back to sleep

5-2: Hey guys how’s everyone today?

5-3: Great! Just great!

5-4: Awesome day, sunshine, couldn’t ask for more.

5-5: What about you 5-1?

5-1 doesn’t answer or react

5-5: 5-1?

still no reaction

5-5, screams: 5-1!

5-1, jumps, wakes up, frightened look: Wha . . wha. . what? What is it? I am up, my feet are on the floor, I will be down for breakfast right away. I will . . . 

5-6: What is it 5-1? You are sleeping standing up!

5-7: Yeh, what happened, not getting enough sleep?

5-1, big yawn: Well, I was at my grandma’s house on the weekend.

5-8: You don’t need to say anymore, when I go to my grandparents I never get any sleep, my grandparents allow us to stay up real late.

5-9: Same with mine!

5-10: Mine too, but Grandma always say, “Now don’t you tell your parents I let you stay up late!”

5-2: Grandmas are way cool!

all except 5-1, chatter: My grandma is the coolest of all! I love how my grandma spoils us. Grandma is special! (etc.)

5-1: Well, my grandma is great, but it’s not ‘cause we stayed up late that I am tired today. It’s ‘cause I was in bed so much when I was with my grandma.

all, confused, chatter: So much time in bed? And you are tired? Why would you be tired ‘cause you have spent so much time in bed? Doesn’t make sense! (etc.)

5-1: My grandma has this humungous feather bed.

5-3: My grandma has too! And it’s sooooo soft!

5-4: My grandma’s bed is like a gazillion miles wide, all us kids can sleep there at once!

5-5: My grandma’s bed is like so high, when I was a kid I couldn’t even climb up on it it was so high!

5-6: Guess what! My grandma even allows us to have popcorn and stuff in her bed!

5-7: OK, 5-1, but I don’t understand. If you liked your grandma’s bed so much, and you spent so much time in it and all, like why would you be so tired now?

5-1: Well, all the time I was with my grandma I got to sleep in her awesome soft bed. Now when I came back home I had to sleep in my lumpy old hard bed. And I can’t sleep!

5-8: I know, that’s bad!

5-9: Well I know what we should do, we should just get our grandmas to give us their awesome beds!

5-10: Likely that’s not gonna happen. But I know what we could do. . . we could sing about those awesome grandma beds!

Grade Five sing


Verse 1

When I was a little bitty child,
Just up off the floor,
We used to go down to Grandma’s house
Every month end or so.
We’d have chicken pie and country ham,
And homemade butter about Grandma’s house,
But the very best think about Grandma’s house,
Was her great big feather bed.


It was nine feet high and six feet wide,
Soft as downy chick,
It was made from the feathers of forty-seven geese,
Took a whole bolt of cloth for the tick,
It would hold eight kids and four hound dogs,
And a piggy we stole from the shed,
We didn’t get much sleep but we had a lot of fun,
On Grandma’s feather bed. (Yell: YEOW! After the second chorus)

Verse 2

Well, I love my Ma,
I love my Pa,
I love Granny and Grandpa too,
I been fishing with my uncle,
I wrassled with my cousin,
I even kissed Aunt Lou—OOOH!
But if I ever had to make a choice,
I guess it ought to be said,
That I’d trade t hem all plus the dog sown the read,
For Grandma’s feather bed,
I’d trade them all plus the dog down the road,

(Speak) Now maybe I should think twice about the dog down the road.

Chorus again

1 and 2 come on stage as Grade Five leave and Grade Four come on stage

1: One thing you can count on, grandmas will spoil you.

2: My grandma always says she likes being a grandma ‘cause she can spoil us then send us home to our parents.

1: My grandma always says that if she had known that grandkids were so much fun she would have had them first.

2: My grandfather has a wonderful time when we are together.

1: Really?

2: Yep, grandfather has such a great time you could almost say you can set your clock by him.

1: Grandfather. Time. Clock. You are smmoooottthh!

1 and 2 sit as Grade Four begin their human video (mime to music)
can be done with part of class singing while the others mime, or can be sung and mimed at same time or could have the singing pre-taped and played as miming is done. It is important that the actors treat this seriously as it is not at all meant as a comedy.


1. My grandfather's clock

fingers to chest, right thumb and fingers as though feeling the peak of a hat, point to wrist

Was too large for the shelf,

hands pointing to lower right side, right hand slightly ahead of left hand, palms facing together, bring both hands up, eyes and head follow the hands as they move upward

So it stood ninety years on the floor;

following through from last movement, move hands, eyes and head downward to right floor level, hands ending palms upward

It was taller by half

left hand at side, right hand to the side, moves upward, palm in, eyes and head follows hand upward to right

Than the old man himself,

slouch slightly, hands folded at upper chest location

Though it weighed not a pennyweight more.

hands forward and out to side, palms up as though lifting something

It was bought on the morn

right hand near pants pocket, closes hand, moves forward, opening fully to show purchase, hands, face to left hand side, lifting up slightly to indicate sunrise

Of the day that he was born,

right hand, index finger pointing, moves from left up and over to right, to indicate the sun going across the sky, right hand move to mid-stomach level, palm upward, left hand slightly to left at a level somewhat higher than right hand, palm up, to indicate holding baby, face down, smile, looking at baby.

And was always his treasure and pride;

stand very erect, nodding affirmative, satisfied smile on face

But it stopped short

frown, hands forward at height just below shoulders, palms forward, fingers slightly bent to show more soft effect than if palms were flat

Never to go again,

very sad look, nod negative

When the old man died.

fold hands just below chest, lean head to right, close eyes, rest head on cupped hands

CHORUS: Ninety years without slumbering,

eyes very wide open, frown, hands forward at height just below shoulders, palms forward, fingers slightly bent to show more soft effect than if palms were flat, rotate head from left to right

Tick, tock, tick, tock,

looking ahead, hands at shoulder height to left, both index fingers extended, move hands, extended fingers to right, reverse, reverse, reverse with each of the four beats

His life seconds numbering,

repeat four beats as above

Tick, tock, tick, tock,

repeat four beats as above

It stopped short

frown, hands forward at height just below shoulders, palms forward, fingers slightly bent to show more soft effect than if palms were flat

Never to go again, 

very sad look, nod negative

When the old man died.

fold hands just below chest, lean head to right, close eyes, rest head on cupped hands

2. In watching its pendulum

move head back and forth from right to left, repeat 

Swing to and fro,

repeat as above

Many hours had he spent while a boy;

right hand finger tips on left hand wrist, (left arm extended forward somewhat), right finger and thumb feel peak of cap, right hand palm down to right side, lower to waist height

And in childhood and manhood

move from position above, lifting right hand to shoulder height, rotating hand to soft palm upward position

The clock seemed to know,

right hand finger tips on temple moving slightly downward to upper cheek

And to share both his grief and his joy.

sad face looking somewhat downward, chin cupped in hands, chin moves upward from hands, slowly moving to happy smile

For it struck twenty-four

pleasant smile, looking forward, head nodding ever so slightly as though in beat to the clock

When he entered at the door,

head continues to nod to beat, eyes open wider, as though seeing someone enter

With a blooming and beautiful bride;

head continues to nod to beat, very large smile

But it stopped short

frown, mouth slightly open in shock, hands forward at height just below shoulders, palms forward, fingers slightly bent to show more soft effect than if palms were flat

Never to go again,

very sad look, nod negative

When the old man died.

fold hands just below chest, lean head to right, close eyes, rest head on cupped hands

3. My grandfather said

slouch somewhat, fingers and thumb of right hand to peak of cap, left index finger up, wags in warning

That of those he could hire,

firs right hand, fingers beckon someone to come, left hand, fingers beckon someone to come

Not a servant so faithful he found;

hands together, fingers interlaced at chest level, pleasant smile, nod head affirmatively

For it wasted no time,

as above, nod head negatively 

And had but one desire,

right hand at shoulder height, palm forward, index finger upright

At the close of each week to be wound.

right hand forward at shoulder height, mimes opening a door toward self, right fingers turn a key several times

And it kept in its place,

hands pointing to lower right side, right hand slightly ahead of left hand, palms facing together, bring both hands up, eyes and head follow the hands as they move upward

Not a frown upon its face,

frown, nod head negative aggressively, hands at shoulder height, palms forward, fingers bent somewhat

And its hand never hung by its side.

hands at sides, somewhat out from body, smirk on face, looking from right to left hand

But it stopped short

frown, mouth slightly open in shock, hands forward at height just below shoulders, palms forward, fingers slightly bent to show more soft effect than if palms were flat

Never to go again,

very sad look, nod negative

When the old man died.

fold hands just below chest, lean head to right, close eyes, rest head on cupped hands

4. It rang an alarm, In the dead of the night,

right hand forward, fingers, down and together, as though holding something, swings it back and forth without moving the arm, face shows alarm, head back and forth looking for source of noise

An alarm that for years had been dumb;

continue as above

And we knew that his spirit

as above

Was pluming his flight,

as above, but begins to look to upward right

That his hour of departure had come.

continue as above

Still the clock kept the time,

looking ahead, hands at shoulder height to left, both index fingers extended, move hands, extended fingers to right, reverse, reverse, reverse with each of the four beats

With a soft and muffled chime,

continue as above with left hand, right index finger to mouth, (as in shhhhhhhhhhh)

As we silently stood by his side. 

continue as above

But it stopped short

frown, mouth slightly open in shock, hands forward at height just below shoulders, palms forward, fingers slightly bent to show more soft effect than if palms were flat

Never to go again,

very sad look, nod negative

When the old man died.

fold hands just below chest, lean head to right, close eyes, rest head on cupped hands

1 and 2 come on stage as Grade Four leave stage area

1: You know, 2, I was just thinking.

2: Nothing wrong with that.

1: Funny! It’s just what you were saying about everyday being Thanksgiving Day, and how we need to be thankful for grandparents. It’s really true you know. I think this should be Grandparents Thanksgiving Day

Grade Seven come on stage, overhear, react

7-1: 1, was that you speaking?

7-2: I could handle that coming from 2, but you have always been so . . . so ., . . normal, 1!

1: Funny!

7-3: Planning Thanksgiving Day huh? Where’s the turkey?

7-4: I vote for 2.

2: Is it beat on 2 day?

7-5: You know we like you 2! It’s just that you are so . . . so . . teaseabale.

7-6: I vote that we have a 2 Thanksgiving Day, to be thankful for having someone like 2 to lift our spirits.

all, chatter: Yeh! Great idea! Why didn’t I think of that? 2 for President! 2 is our hero! Let’s hear it for 2! (etc.)

2: Well I appreciate the thought but I think we should stick with thinking about Grandparent Thanksgiving Day.

7-7: It really is amazing when you think how important grandparents are in our lives, isn’t it?

7-8: My grandparents died, but our neighbors kind of adopted us as our grandparents, and they are awesome!

7-9: My grandparents are my friends, Grandpa never gets tired of all my questions it seems, and Grandma is about the smartest person I know.

7-10: My Grandpa was the one who prayed with me when I asked Jesus into my life. And he is always teaching me so much about living a godly life.

7-1: You know, that’s true. I learn so much about being a Christian from my grandparents. And it’s not so much what they say as what they do. 

7-2: Having grandparents is awesome. Having godly grandparents is a real gift from God.

7-3: It’s amazing isn’t it? 

7-4: My mom has a little saying on her wall, it says, “God couldn’t be everywhere so he invented Grandparents”. And I know that God is everywhere, but still I know that grandparents are part of God’s plan. 

2: We have so much to be thankful for.

1: So much to thank God for.

Grade Seven sings


Give thanks with a grateful heart, 

Give thanks to the Holy One, 
Give thanks, For He’s given Jesus Christ God’s Son,
Give thanks with a grateful heart, 
Give thanks to the Holy One, 
Give thanks, For He’s given Jesus Christ God’s Son.
And now let the weak say I am strong. 
Let the poor say I am rich, 
Because of what the Lord has done for me, 

And now let the weak say I am poor,
Let the poor say I am rich 
Because of what the Lord has done for me. 
Give thanks ………….Give thanks……………

Let us give thanks.

as Grade Seven move off stage Grade Three move on

Grade 3

Children come on stage, holding cards with letter displayed

T is for toothpaste

(shows off teeth, points to them with both index finger)

That brightens my smile

H for the hamster

(holds hand to eyes as though looking)

I had for a while

A is for ankles

mime walk in place

That help me to walk

N is for noses

(holds nose as next line spoken) 

I need one to talk

K is for kite

(mime letting out more string, string comes out of hands, silently cry)

That flies high in the sky

S is for scarf

(mime shivering)

To keep me warm and dry

G is my gum

(mimes blowing a bubble which breaks and goes all over face)

Oh the bubbles I blow!

I for ice cream

(mimes licking the ice cream off a cone)

I like that you know!

V is vegetables

(holds hands in prayer position, looking up, begging)

Mom said to eat

I is for Icky

(holds hands over mouth, frightened look on face)

Like spinach and beets

N is the needle

(mimes fright, holds arm)

I sure did scream

G for grandparents

(both thumbs up)

Cause you are a dream!

all together:

We’re thankful for family and friends and our school
To be living a life where the love of God rules
God’s given so much and we want to express
Of all God has given me, (point at family in audience), I like you best!

Grade 3 then sings:

If I Were A Butterfly 
If I were a butterfly, 
I’d thank you Lord, for giving me wings, 
And if I were a robin in a tree, 
I’d thank you Lord, that I could sing, 
And if I were a fish in the sea, 
I’d wiggle my tail and I’d giggle with glee; 
But I just thank you Father for making me, me!

Cause You gave me a heart and You gave me a smile, 
You gave me Jesus and You made me your child. 
And I just thank You Father for making me, me!

could have all actors come on stage for bow


Copyright 2003 Written for and purchased by Jeanne McIntosh (Used with permission)

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